
society for analytical and metrological systems



information about our solutions

Thanks to our added value, industrial water treatment plants can work more efficiently and cost-effectively. How exactly this works and what possibilities our solutions offer, we would like to explain in more detail. Find out more about our products and processes here.

Überwachen Sie umfassend das Weichwasser auf erhöhte Härtekonzentrationen mit Softcontrol Data.

The hardness measuring device with integrated ion-selective sensor, display for parameterization and output of data as well as readable USB stick monitors the soft water at the output of the softener for increased hardness concentrations.
The videos give an impression of the device.


Softening Control for continuous water hardness monitoring

A short video shows how a water hardness sensor on the Softening Control device is properly connected to the analysis unit.

How is a hardness sensor correctly inserted in Softcontrol Smart?
A short video makes this clear.

Dampfkessel und Umkehrosmose

As a result of undetected defects in the water softener, the raw water will damage many industrial processes.
If hard water flows into steam boilers or reverse osmosis, increased maintenance work up to production downtimes is conceivable.